
10 Ways the Rules of the Media Business are Being Rewritten

Traditional (“old”) media finds itself experiencing an earthquake of change as online (“new”) media changes the rules of the game.  Some publishers and broadcasters find themselves struggling to adapt, while others thrive on the ability to innovate.  The competition becomes more intense by the day and the fears among old school journalists and media executives…

Why SF Chronicle is Failing

John Battelle looks at what’s really ailing the San Francisco Chronicle. clipped from battellemedia.com Up until recently, the Chronicle had 400 journalists working at the paper. FOUR HUNDRED! When I wrote for the LA Times, I often wrote two stories a day. Is the Chronicle pumping out 800 stories a day? Is it breaking all…

Why Do We Need to Abide by Old Media Silos of Text vs. Video? (Taking Lessons from the Mini Media Mavens)

The line between newspapers and TV blur more and more every day.  Heck, we may as well include radio in the mix.  The new media universe on the web allows all forms of old media to encroach on each other’s territory.  The Wall Street Journal and other papers provide audio and video coverage on their…

Newspaper Publisher Says Free Content the Problem, Not the Cure

While many in the newspaper industry seem headed toward making more and more content available for free online and pursuing an advertising strategy, the publisher of the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Walter E. Hussman Jr. wrote yesterday in the Wall Street Journal that free content may be the problem that ails the newspaper industry rather than the…