Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Newspaper Ads Up Online, Down Offline

 From PaidContent:

For the 12th straight quarter, newspaper websites saw their ad revenues rise; this time around, the increase was 22.3 percent to $750 million in Q1 compared to the same period a year ago, according to estimates from the Newspaper Association of America. For context, online made up 7.1 percent of total newspaper ad spending in Q1 compared with 5.5 percent for the same period a year ago. In general, however, sites are not pulling in enough to offset the drop in newspaper ad expenditures. Together, newspapers and their websites totaled $10.6 billion for Q1, a 4.8 percent decrease from Q106. Spending for print ads in newspapers totaled $9.8 billion, down 6.4 percent versus the same period a year earlier, while classified revenue fell 13.2 percent to $3.4 billion.

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  1. If you have been running your online business without offline advertising support. Yes you have been doing it all Technology hasn’t slowed down print publications at all they are making up for it with timing, freshness.

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