Charlie’s Century

The death of a little girl with cancer creates a sense of tragedy among even those who do not know her. The passing of a middle-aged man by a sudden heart attack reverberates with anyone over thirty. But when a centenarian dies peacefully in his sleep, only those who knew him take notice.

The Real Problem with Information Isn’t Overload or Underload

Paul Kedrosky raised an interesting question at the Defrag Conference in Denver yesterday.  He led a panel discussion that kept circling back to the notion of information overload, but Paul suggested that the 200+ people in the room likely represent edge cases who frequently overwhelmed by the amount of information that they have to process,…


10 Ways the Rules of the Media Business are Being Rewritten

Traditional (“old”) media finds itself experiencing an earthquake of change as online (“new”) media changes the rules of the game.  Some publishers and broadcasters find themselves struggling to adapt, while others thrive on the ability to innovate.  The competition becomes more intense by the day and the fears among old school journalists and media executives…