Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Top Online News Sites

I came across some interesting data while doing some research tonight, and I thought I’d share it in raw form before I have a chance to tie it together with some thoughts I have.

What follows are the 10 most trafficked online news sites that create original content, according to data from Alexa.  We can dispute the accuracy of Alexa data, but it is publicly available and in many instances I believe that the relative positions it offers are correct in many cases.  Of course, I welcome other data from comScore or others if they’d like to share it.

In parentheses after each is the overall site rank in the Alexa system.

1. BBC (50)
2. CNN (113)
3. NY Times (227)
4. MSNBC (*)
5. Reuters (561)
6. (656)
7. Guardian Unlimited (689)
8. Fox News (759)
9. (798)
10. Washington Post (865)

* MSNBC’s overall traffic ranking is not provided but rather is included in’s numbers

Here are the 10 U.S. newspaper web sites with the most traffic, again according to Alexa with overall site rank in parentheses.

1. NY Times (227)
2. Washington Post (865)
3. USA Today (1036)
4. Wall Street Journal (1036)
5. LA Times (1507)
6. San Francisco Chronicle (1708)
7. NY Post (2436)
8. Chicago Tribune (2918)
9. Houston Chronicle (4072)
10. Seattle Post-Intelligencer (**)

** Seattle Post-Intelligencer’s overall traffic ranking is not provided but rather is included in’s numbers

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