Anyone Can Be a Blogger

OK, well maybe not anyone.  But if you can write an email, you can write a blog.  So says Farrell Kramer in an informative article in PR Tactics.  The key to blogging in my opinion is the enthusiasm and commitment to doing it.  The actual writing is pretty easy and certainly mimics what many professionals…

Measuring Blogs

Jeff Jarvis today issued a call for a blog measurement summit.  That’s a great idea.  As he points out, current panel based solutions aren’t as accurate as many would like to see, especially when it comes to niche blogs.  Fortunately, there are a number of smart companies looking at and thinking about the problem, including…

Remember Occam’s Razor

At some point years ago when I was still in school, I learned about Occam’s Razor.  A 14th century English Franciscan friar, William of Ockham, is said to have opined about not making things overly complicated when solving problems.  In a nutshell, “the simple solution is almost always the correct one.”  (Wikipedia has considerably more…

How PayPerPost Did It

Duncan Riley offers a great look at how PayPerPost has marketed itself and become a name brand among bloggers in a very short period of time.  It’s a great read and definitely food for thought.  I suspect that others may adopt a similar marketing strategy based on the clear success it has had for PayPerPost.  Perhaps…

Painkillers vs. Vitamins

Brad Feld points to an entrepreneur’s story about folding an online publication that rated winery web sites.  As Brad says, “The lesson here – well articulated by the author – is that he failed to address a point of pain.” A colleague of mine, smart in the art of marketing, frequently reminds me that people…