Scott Karp Launches Publish2
Scott Karp over at Publishing 2.0 has quit his job and is starting a company, appropriately named Publish2. He aims to “put his money where his mouth is” by betting on the vision of the future of media that he has outlined on his blog. His stated goal is to create the ultimate consumer-facing news site by networking online journalism (everything from “news bloggers” to more formal journalists).
The details are still a bit vague, though an invitation-only beta is slated for September. It sounds like something similar to what I have suggested is the future of news aggregation: a cross between free-for-all ranking sites like Digg, automated ones like TechMeme, and highly edited ones like Yahoo News. Plus it may have original content, though I haven’t had a chance to read all the material Scott has put online to achieve clarity on that point.
If Publish2 really does incorporate all of these different components, then I think it has a chance to be a powerful news resources. Hopefully, it will incorporate more than just text and pictures, as my own vision for the future of media sees convergence of text, audio, and video, with the right medium utilized for the content being conveyed.
This will certainly be a company I will be keeping an eye on.