Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

The New Media Cocktail

image Recently I started to write a blog post about the future of media.  I planned to address the two big themes that I see playing a significant role in how we will produce and consume media in coming years.  It spiraled a bit out of control and became a 30 page e-book titled The New Media Cocktail.  It is available to download for free as a PDF.

The two themes I have identified and discuss in The New Media Cocktail are:

  • Convergence
  • The power of niches

Regular readers of this blog and listeners to my Disruptive Dialogue podcast know that I have been nearly obsessed with the future of media of late.  I have spent a lot of time reading, researching, and thinking about the issue.  Hopefully The New Media Cocktail contributes to the great thinking already taking place in this space.  I want to thank some of the most provocative bloggers in this space for forcing me to focus on and examine the trends.  In particular the words and deeds of Jeff Jarvis, Mark Cuban, Chris Anderson, Dave Winer, Chris Garrett, and Jason Calacanis had a significant impact on my outlook.

I also want to thank three people who provided invaluable feedback to me on early drafts of The New Media CocktailShel Israel, Sarah Wurrey, and Jen White all contributed significantly to the final product.  (Though all mistakes are, of course, my own.)

It’s a quick — and I hope provocative — read.  I encourage you to download the PDF and let me know what you think.  I plan to do a follow-up post soon with some of the feedback I receive here in the comments or in blog posts elsewhere.

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  1. Chip Griffin on the new media cocktail

    Convergence and niches are at the heart of Chip Griffins explanation of how the media landscape is changing.

  2. SMAttering, 6 July 2007

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  3. Chip –
    This is really solid. Very useful! I’m especially drawn to the parts about niches, long tail, etc.
    I’m working on a new advertising course for the Minneapolis College of Art and Design ( If it’s cool with you, I’d like to use The New Media Cocktail as part of the class. I really think your insights could provide great value to people who are just now entering the advertising industry.
    – Tim

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