links for 2005-10-30
another “public as the news editor” site
“finding a link between word of mouth recommendations and sales performance”
131 new verticals added
Paul Kedrosky points to the Financial Times’ list of six business books of the year. (Leave it to the Europeans to decide to end the year early.) I’ve read and enjoyed 3 of the 6 (The World is Flat, by Tom Friedman; The Search by John Battelle; and Freakonomics by Steve Levitt and Stephen Dubner). …
According to Tom Evslin, it is a book published in blog format. But it is more than just a simple format change: Evslin has written a novel,, that makes the entire blog experience, including comments, an integral part of the content, according to Fred Wilson. Unfortunately, the site seems to be down right now,…
A Kintera/Luth study found that: On average, online givers donate in total (both online and offline) more than 50 percent more than those donors who do not give online.
I created a short video for a presentation I did today about the promising future (and productive past) of online advocacy. It is entitled "Digital Advocacy Works" and it covers the history of online advocacy since 1994 (in brief), as well as some of the technologies available today and what this means for companies and…
Time magazine was apparently motivated by the Google blog search announcement and decided to run a short piece on how to become a blogger and how to find blog posts. They decided this somehow amounts to the next version of blogging. The article itself seems to contradict the headline: "Google’s effort, while useful, is not…
Realm Systems tried to one-up U3 (see previous post) by unveiling the Mobile Personal Server 1400E. It’s bigger – both in claimed capabilities and size. I haven’t yet stopped by their booth to get more information (though I plan to tomorrow), but their presentation showed enhanced security possibilities that caught my attention. They demonstrated the…