links for 2005-10-30
another “public as the news editor” site
“finding a link between word of mouth recommendations and sales performance”
131 new verticals added
The Interweb as Mass Media breakdown of media consumption rates (tags: media metrics)
Many of us have faced the challenge of having to recruit new employees. It’s not a fun process and you end up spending a lot of time with poor candidates, often because the job description didn’t frame the job right, and instead relied on all sorts of jibberish. The bottom line is that it is…
One of the most intriguing new products unveiled at DEMOfall was a USB “smart drive” created by U3. Here’s the idea: on a USB thumb drive (for you Luddites that’s a thing the size of your thumb – get it? – that you plug into your computer), you can hold not only your data, but…
I’m going to start adding a digest of links to interesting articles and blog posts. These are things that don’t rise to the level of a full individual post, but which many of you may find interesting and informative nonetheless. Without further ado, here’s the first installment: Outsell Now: A $358 Billion Information Industry by…
Cymfony offers a good recap of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association held this week in Chicago. On a separate note, P&G refers to it as Word of Mouth Advocacy — a term I think is more accurate and better explains the phenomenon when executed correctly.
First, conservative bloggers followed Hugh Hewitt’s call to "adopt a box" of documents about Judge Roberts and cull through them for interesting information. And now Mark Tapscott takes his mandate as an advocate for Computer Assisted Research and Reporting to a new level by suggesting "Citizen Assisted Research and Reporting" through an examination of massive…