links for 2005-10-03
Blog ads turn out to be better value than Yahoo banners for Audi.
Announced for August release, nothing yet seen.
Why shouldn’t online marketers let the public choose the star of an Internet campaign?
Well, 2008 has certainly been an eventful year. Now we are almost on to 2009. Traditionally I take this time of year to reflect back on where I have been, but mostly look ahead to where I am going.
I’m torn about how to deal with Donald Trump. Part of me says that this is the same guy who demonstrated a clear lack of respect for many Americans, engaged in disgusting personal behavior, and expressed views that would present a clear and present danger to the United States if they were actually to become…
Sometimes it’s a good idea to eat one’s own dog food. Or so they say. I often complain that folks overlook the power of email as an effective tool for communications and idea-sharing. Sure, blogs are great. RSS feeds are useful. And automated emails alerting to new blog posts are simple enough to set up….
Matthew Hurst of BlogPulse offers some interesting insight into blog posts over on his Data Mining blog. It comes in 3 parts: here, here, and here. He derives the data from 24 hours of pings to
Over in the UK, text messaging is taking on new importance as a way to communicate with the parents of school children. From FOR 27,000 parents, a reminder of an upcoming teacher training day, or a message that a school trip is returning late, could soon arrive instantly by text message thanks to Leeds-based…
Next New Networks Building Micro Television Networks (tags: media OnlineMedia onlinevideo) Newspapers, TV and the Net – Its Convergence Time (tags: media newspapers tv video onlinevideo) SF Chronicle Trims 25% of Newsroom Staff (tags: media Newspapers) Nielson Pees In The Social Media Kool-Aid With Their Recent Report (tags: socialmedia advertising) What’s Wrong With Ghost Blogging?…