C-SPAN to Podcast
PaidContent.org reports:
C-SPAN is launching its podcasts with three popular shows: After Words, Q & A and segments from American Perspectives.
PRSA’s New York chapter is putting on what should be an interesting event on September 29 called "NY MegaTech Day." It’s essentially a daylong seminar on blogging and new technologies for online PR. It features prominent bloggers like Steve Rubel and BL Ochman and should provide much food for thought. The agenda is here and…
Scoble: I was over at Alex Barnett’s blog this morning and saw he linked to a survey that said that 87% of influencers use RSS. This is PRECISELY why I’ve been telling everyone to get RSS feeds and why they should be full text. If no one else in society uses them, this is enough…
I was stunned today when my wife handed me a letter from the US Department of Transportation. It was letting us know about the “National Household Travel Survey” that is being conducted. Apparently, we can expect to receive a phone call about this in the near future, and they would like us to participate. It…
Curt Monash writes: “Perhaps the coolest of the applications Information Builders cited for me is by the NYC Department of Health. This site provides a small amount of restaurant health information to tens of thousands of users per day. As a former long-time Manhattanite, I can confirm that there’s a great need for this application. IBI…
Realm Systems tried to one-up U3 (see previous post) by unveiling the Mobile Personal Server 1400E. It’s bigger – both in claimed capabilities and size. I haven’t yet stopped by their booth to get more information (though I plan to tomorrow), but their presentation showed enhanced security possibilities that caught my attention. They demonstrated the…
Today I interviewed Scott Cleland, a Washington-based analyst who has been following Google for years. He seems to relish being a bit of a contrarian and in the interview he talked about the increasing power of Google and why that’s bad for consumers. He also opposes net neutrality, something that many of you will no…