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Meetup.com Still Dominated by the Left
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Podcasting Profits
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Gartner Looks at Collaborative Tech
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links for 2005-10-11
cgm: CGM, Blogs, and Politics Much of the innovation we’re seeing in the use and spread of consumer-generated media (CGM) draws from the political blog space. (tags: Blogs OnlinePolitics) Over 100M Blogs Served (tags: Blogs) How To Instantly Get Onto Newsweek’s And The Washington Post’s Website (tags: Blogs PR)
Blog Measurement Merger
Steve Rubel reports that BuzzMetrics and Intelliseek have been acquired by Nielsen. This represents an interesting marriage between the old school media measurement (Nielsen) and the new world of blog measurement. Previously, Nielsen has gotten into the web site measurement game generally. As companies begin to pay more attention to what is being said in…