What is InterAdvocacy?
For more than a decade, I have been working with employers,
colleagues, and clients to maximize the use of the Internet for political and
public affairs advocacy. I’ve tried a
lot of things. Many worked well, some
didn’t. And I’ve seen a lot from others that
worked and some that didn’t.
techniques being used to influence public opinion and encourage supporters to
take action online. The Internet
represents an extremely valuable tool for advocates of all stripes, with people
trying all sorts of new approaches, seemingly on a daily basis.
Hopefully my regular postings will help identify new
technologies and tactics in such a way that you, the reader, find them
informative. I’ll offer my opinion, and
I invite you to share yours in the comments section of this blog.
This is not new to me. Six years ago, before blogs were what they are today, I founded a
newsletter called PrimaryScoop that examined the 2000 presidential primary in New Hampshire. Today, it would be called a blog. At the time, I was an early adopter. Today, there are a number of similar blogs
that ably serve that niche, so I am left free to move on to different endeavors.
And so the cycle begins anew.