Feeding the Funnel

One thing most entrepreneurs remain concerned about at all times is “feeding the funnel.”  In other words, introducing prospects to the product or service being offered.  The more qualified prospects exposed to your offering, the more sales you are likely to convert. This same concern crosses the boundaries between different types of businesses.  B2B and…

The Value of Loyalty

As I was writing about the “hit and run” web traffic phenomenon (“Traffic for Traffic’s Sake“), it made me think about the value of loyalty.  That post addressed social network traffic and how many visitors from sites like Digg don’t provide any value to a web site because they simply enter quickly and leave just…

The Power of Language

Words matter.  They communicate meaning from one individual to another.  Used effectively, the message will be clear and understandable.  Sometimes, however, words can serve to confuse.  Or worse by leaving the message sender and its recipient with different understanding of the meaning.  I got to thinking about this when I saw an item in yesterday’s CustomScoop…

Saying No

Yesterday I spent some time thinking about saying “no.”  It started with Fred Wilson’s blog post on the subject.  He talked about a board meeting he attended where he learned that one of the company execs has a favorite saying: “the best answer to most questions is no.”  I had never quite thought of it…