The ArnoldBucks Video

The web enables activists to deploy innovative and often humorous campaigns — often efforts that would have been far more difficult and certainly much more costly using traditional methods. The current economic crisis has stirred frustration and anger among many. One West Coast activist is now taking advantage of new media to drive home his…

My First Boss

Marshall Cobleigh was an old-fashioned New Hampshire pol who had held many posts in that state, including Speaker of the House and governor’s chief of staff. On one occasion, he famously ran for Congress while touring the state with a pound of hamburger in an effort to highlight the substance of his economic message during the trying times of the late 1970’s.

A New Era Dawns

Today at noon, Barack Obama will take the oath of office. He ushers in what is unquestionably a new era in American politics. For many, he instills a new sense of hope. For others, that optimism is tempered to varying degrees by concern over the policies he will implement.