Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Many NH voters not even sure which primary to vote in // Cruz rising? // Kasich credible? … and more

(via Primary Digest)

There are 19 days until the New Hampshire primary. Random thoughts & observations… — The past 24 hours have shown just how pointless #FITN horserace polls may be right now. ARG and UNH/WMUR/CNN have dramatically different Republican results, with one showing Kasich surging and the other pointing to Cruz on the rise. The likelihood is that neither will mirror the actual voting on February 9. There’s simply too much time for things to change and too many GOP voters who haven’t really made up their minds. — Perhaps the most important poll to look at is WBUR’s which found that…

Click to read the full article: Many NH voters not even sure which primary to vote in // Cruz rising? // Kasich credible? … and more

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