Chris Brogan
Chris Brogan, an entrepreneur and media creator, discusses making a business out of new media.
Chip joined the Media Bullseye Radio Roundtable to discuss whether online content “wants” to be free, the difference between amateur and amateurish online content, and Burger King’s current campaign to get people to “de-friend” people on Facebook.
Fred Wilson is right. There’s lots of good information on blogs. Sometimes it is better than traditional media, sometimes not. The bottom line is that to get the best perspective on news and events, one needs to take advantage of a blend of old and new media. Scott Karp is right. His concept of “link…
Doug Haslam of Topaz Partners was kind enough to grant an interview to Sarah Wurrey of CustomScoop’s Media Bullseye during the recent SNCR symposium in Boston. Doug talked about his firm’s work with Scuderi Group to promote an innovative new air hybrid engine. Not only does it make good content, but it’s also letting me…
As the year and decade* come to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on the personal, professional, and societal events that have impacted you in that time. I’m a much bigger fan of looking back and learning than I am in engaging in the traditional year-end exercise of trying to predict the future….
I’m an early morning person. I generally rise around 5:30 AM. In fact, even on vacation I’m hard-pressed to sleep in beyond 6:30 or 7:00. One of the reasons I like getting up early is that it is quiet. At home, the wife and kids are still asleep. It gives me a chance to knock…
John Battelle looks at what’s really ailing the San Francisco Chronicle. clipped from Up until recently, the Chronicle had 400 journalists working at the paper. FOUR HUNDRED! When I wrote for the LA Times, I often wrote two stories a day. Is the Chronicle pumping out 800 stories a day? Is it breaking all…