Mark Roberge
Mark Roberge, CEO of PawSpot, discusses his startup.
Anyone who has worked with or for me knows that I have a few things that will set me off. Perhaps at the top of the list is the statement “we’ve always done it that way.” As an employee and consultant, I have often been called in to look at businesses and figure out how…
Who among us has not been intrigued by what goes on behind closed doors at our office? Ever wondered what your boss was really thinking? Curious about the dynamics of your organization’s board and ownership? Or perhaps speculated about compensation questions?
Charles Best, founder of, discusses the organization he created to match contributors with public schools needing supplies, equipment, or other funding.
We learned this week that the federal government will be trying a new approach to information sharing. A handful of government agencies will be releasing the results of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests not just to the person who requested them, but publicly on their websites as well. The policy has been dubbed “release to…
A clear and present danger exists to the advances brought on in recent years through the development of social media. The coarsening conversation apparent throughout the online media environment threatens to stall or even reverse important recent advances.
I get a lot of email. And a lot of that email reflects pretty poorly on the sender. Some of the emails I receive wouldn’t even make the cut as amateur ransom notes. They are often laden with misspellings or typos. Frequently they fail to make a succinct point. They routinely seem to be disorganized…