Mark Roberge
Mark Roberge, CEO of PawSpot, discusses his startup.
People frequently inquire as to my perspective on the use of computer automation to conduct content analysis and/or aggregation. This is certainly a topic I have given considerable consideration to in my role as founder of CustomScoop, a media intelligence company. When we started out in 2000, the primary demand we had from clients was…
University of South Carolina men’s basketball coach Frank Martin went on an epic rant recently about youth sports parents and how they yell and scream from the bleachers. He chastised parents for coaching from the sidelines and not letting the coaches do their jobs. But he also made an excellent point about sports officials. He…
For the last couple of years, I spent more than 200 days a year on the road. That’s a grueling schedule that doesn’t lend itself to healthy habits – especially for someone like me who has a lot of friends in the restaurant industry and a passion for trying great food. Despite the challenges –…
Next week my good friend Don Bates will be teaching a seminar on PR writing in Washington, DC. This practical and informative session is being sponsored by the PRSA National Capital Chapter and will be hosted at George Washington University on March 16, 2010 from 9 AM to 3 PM. In advance of this gathering,…
High-tech entrepreneurs suddenly find themselves in an unusual position: the political crosshairs. Candidates usually scramble to align themselves with innovators and job creators — often falling over each other to do so. Over the past two decades, Washington has turned to Silicon Valley for answers and talent. Tech gurus have truly been the darling of…