April Foolishness
Call me a fuddy-duddy. Call me a curmudgeon. But I find the flurry of April Fool’s blog posts to be annoying. The best ones make it hard to tell fact from fiction (see TechCrunch & FC), but unfortunately that makes one doubt even real news today. Plenty of people have been caught in the fake news net this weekend, since some apparently decided to make it a two day event.
And whatever happened to the convention of ending these jokes with “April Fools!”? If these blog posts at least ended that way, it would be much better.
I agree, Seth Godin did it right today with this one (with “April Fool’s” at the end):
And I did get a laugh with Google’s Toilet WiFi, and Print your Gmail – obviously cranks…
I didn’t end mine with April Fools, but I’m pretty sure that most people who read my blog knew it was a joke have the first sentence.
Good Work!!