Outside the Bubble, Most Folks Don’t Use Mobile Internet
Duncan Riley shares a statistic that he came across that should serve as a reminder to those of us living inside the technology bubble: just 5 million Americans use mobile Internet services.
Duncan Riley shares a statistic that he came across that should serve as a reminder to those of us living inside the technology bubble: just 5 million Americans use mobile Internet services.
I originally posted this on TechJots, but I imagine readers here may be interested as well: I always knew I liked Shel Israel. Now I know why: he’s a Red Sox fan! Seriously, though, he’s going to be part of a blogger dinner in Boston on July 12 at 7 pm at Fire and Ice…
AdAge reports on that the Washington Post has become an early adopter of RSS ads. I’ve seen them in the feeds I subscribe to from the Post and they are done well — easily seen but not obnoxious.
I had a conversation yesterday that spurred me to think back to the “old days” of the World Wide Web. You see, I’ve been at this game long enough to remember Yahoo before it was at Yahoo.com. Most of you probably don’t know that it used to live at http://akebono.stanford.edu. In any case, I took…
Curt Monash writes: “Perhaps the coolest of the applications Information Builders cited for me is by the NYC Department of Health. This site provides a small amount of restaurant health information to tens of thousands of users per day. As a former long-time Manhattanite, I can confirm that there’s a great need for this application. IBI…
Fred Wilson mentions on his blog that plenty of people are telling him that radio is dead. He has some interesting data from JD Power on what consumers think about satellite and HD radio in their cars. My own view? Satellite threatens FM much more than AM. Those who still listen to AM often do…
This space has been fairly quiet of late, as I have been deeply involved in growing and transitioning a number of businesses, ventures, and projects. I thought I’d take a moment to update all of you loyal readers about what I’m up to and in a subsequent post I will share what you can expect…
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Being a conversational blogger is difficult. Something I definitely need to work on.
5 million Americans use mobile Internet. Whats the hype for then?
9212 solar panels powering Google headquarters.
$10 Million for space weapon funding? What about t…