Blogs I Read: MicroPersuasion by Steve Rubel
I had intended to begin my series about Blogs I Read by focusing on the smaller ones — the ones written by those who are not A or B list bloggers. And then I realized my blog reading heavily favors the big guys. So I need to make a better effort to find new voices. I do that now through feed aggregators (especially the Todd And Power 150 list and RSS feed which I have blogged about before). So I am being exposed to them, but not in the same concentrated way that I do with some of the bigger players.
So instead I decided to focus on some of the mainstays of my blog reading “diet.” These are the bloggers who have been in my RSS reader for as long as I can remember. It will be a mix of PR/marketing and VC/technology business blogs.
So I begin with MicroPersuasion by Steve Rubel. This is one of the handful of blogs I recommend to newcomers to the blogosphere. For those interested in blogging themselves or just understanding the medium better, I find Steve to be a good read. He rarely misses important stories for the intersection of PR and technology and he often makes good points.
Of course, I don’t always agree with him. Regular readers of this space will recall that I have differed with him on many occasions. But I agree with him often as well. Any blog that I find myself saying “Amen!” after every post is one I will probably stop reading because I like blogs that make me think, not just ones that reinforce my existing views.
The only major beef I have with MicroPersuasion at the moment is that it is my sense that Steve has become a bit more conventional since his move to Edelman one year ago from the smaller CooperKatz. But that could just as easily be that blogging has become more common so it becomes harder and harder to have a truly unique voice all the time.