PubSub to Measure Blog Influence by Category
PubSub has begun an effort to compile lists of influential Weblogs by category, which could be of use to media buyers and planners eager to buy advertising in blogs.
Sometimes it’s a good idea to eat one’s own dog food. Or so they say. I often complain that folks overlook the power of email as an effective tool for communications and idea-sharing. Sure, blogs are great. RSS feeds are useful. And automated emails alerting to new blog posts are simple enough to set up….
PaidContent reports that news parody site The Onion has dropped its premium pay service.
Steve Rubel offers an interesting chart from Technorati, the blog search engine, that seems to show that most spikes in blog posting volume occur around political events. David Sifry also comments that "We see the largest number of posts each day between the hours of 7AM and noon Pacific time, meaning between 10AM and 3PM…
AdAge reports on that the Washington Post has become an early adopter of RSS ads. I’ve seen them in the feeds I subscribe to from the Post and they are done well — easily seen but not obnoxious.
The first ever dead tree version of Media Bullseye, the multimedia magazine I founded last December, is now available. I’m a big believer that there’s still a role for print publications to play. Not everyone takes time to read articles online and this enables us to get in front of interesting people who prefer to…
Henry Copeland of BlogAds, an advertising network for blogs, spoke to the current state of the market for ad spending in the blogosphere: After dropping 40-50% for the first couple of months after the election, it looks like we’ll be at new highs in March and April. I won’t call it a tipping point, because…