Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Moreover to be Acquired?

If true, this news from would certainly be an interesting development in the area of online news aggregation.

Silicon Valley Watcher has learned that Moreover Technologies, the San Francisco-based news aggregator, will announce within the next few days that it has been acquired by a much larger multi-national company.

The announcement is expected by the end of this month. The identity of the acquiring company and the purchase price are not yet known.

UPDATE: "The sale, which has been in the works for a long time, is to a Silicon Valley-based public company (NOT a media company)…that’s all we know for now.

Moreover has been having a tough time in face of other open-Web
aggregation has diversified by powering the news search
services for MSN portal, among others. It has changed its business
model many times over the last 4-5 years of its existence: open,
closed, and now half-open again.

Some of the board members, founders and investment bankers on the deal have refused comment till now."

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