Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Bush tries to stem tide with Gregg endorsement // State GOPers blast CNBC // #FITN history … and more

There are 102 days until the New Hampshire primary. Random thoughts and observations… — The timing of Judd Gregg’s endorsement of Jeb Bush left it looking like a desperate attempt to forestall more negative headlines in the Granite State. If it was, the success was mixed, as you’ll see below. — The biggest problem that Jeb Bush has may not be his debate performances, but the fact that he doesn’t have a reservoir of supporter enthusiasm to overcome them. Donald Trump and Ben Carson did not turn in dominant performances either, but neither is likely to be hurt because their supporters…

Read the full article: Bush tries to stem tide with Gregg endorsement // State GOPers blast CNBC // #FITN history … and more

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