Media Bullseye Launches!
It has been a lot of work, but Media Bullseye finally gets to see the light of day. It is the result of a partnership between two companies I am involved with. The first, CustomScoop, I suspect most of you are familiar with. I co-founded that company in 2000 and it has been an active and successful participant in the media intelligence marketplace ever since. The second is one that I founded earlier this year, Eaglon. This startup already publishes Cork & Knife, focused on fine food and drink.
Eaglon’s mission is to create multimedia magazine titles that marry text, audio, and video and delivers content both online and in print to consumers. It will own and operate independent titles (like Cork & Knife) but it will also partner with other organizations and companies to create co-branded publications (like Media Bullseye). I envision this second category as a sort of modern "in-flight-style" magazine that provides valuable content to readers, viewers, and listeners, while also helping to raise an organization’s profile and credibility.
For the debut of Media Bullseye, I wrote an article explaining this theory of turning any company into a publisher. I explain how I think it might work and what needs to be done to be successful.
I am grateful to a lot of people for helping get this launched in a timely fashion (we wanted to make sure we were up and able to cover the SNCR event in Boston this week). First of all, the team of folks that I work with is second to none. In particular, Sarah Wurrey, Ian Muir, Phil Charles, and Jen Zingsheim-White all made significant contributions. And I am especially thankful to some of the early outside contributors to Media Bullseye, including Chris Brogan, Chris Thilk, and Scott Monty.
You will certainly hear more from me in this space about Media Bullseye and Eaglon, but for now just go check out Media Bullseye for yourself. (And feel free to tell your friends, Twitter followers, blog readers, and podcast listeners all about it if you find it valuable.)