A Novel Way to Sponsor a Podcast
Popular marketing podcaster Joseph Jaffe of Across the Sound tossed out an idea on his show last weekend: if someone would buy him an iPhone, it would be worth a sponsorship of one of his upcoming shows. Since we’ve had good luck sponsoring For Immediate Release with Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson as well as NewCommRoad with Bryan Person, I jumped at the chance.
Jaffe now has an iPhone and CustomScoop will be sponsoring an upcoming episode. Check out Jaffe Juice for more details on how this sponsorship came to be.
Indeed. In fact, I’m reading and responding to this post from my iphone on the train into the city! Sweet! Look forward to your debut on ATS.
Novel idea by Jaffe, and smart thinking by CustomScoop in taking him up on the offer.
Note that Jaffe and I are currently in negotiations for a similarly unusual arrangement. He pays my way down to cricket’s first-ever Twenty20 World Championship in South Africa in September. I let him sponsor *two* of my shows! I don’t see how turn me down in the end.