links for 2007-05-27
the pitfalls of inviting consumers to create ads for your brand
could a more focused Digg challenge the “original”?
which matters more? platform or user base?
excuses on financial statements don’t change reality, they just make managing harder
a good breakdown to better understand online advertising
Doc Searls argues newspapers should free their archives and charge only for fresh content
another thoughtful piece from Jeremy Liew. One of the challenges with online video is that it consumes time, the visitor’s most valuable resource
a good interview for Dick. The only answer I really thought he fumbled was benefits of RSS over email.
Will Price has a thoughtful post on a topic I consider a lot
will Yahoo go back to its roots and link to others?
a diatribe against for-profit newspapering. Gary Weiss sees profit as the root of the problem, but I would argue that the notion that journalism and profit are incompatible is why newspapers are struggling.
Facebook appears to be making serious inroads among communicators and entrepreneurs lately. Starting to feel almost like Twitter circa March 2007.
Don Dodge shows why search is still a hot market and there’s plenty of room for all the existing players, even smaller ones like AOL and Ask — and even for vertical search players.
465,000 new businesses started in US every month and lots of other facts and figures on entrepreneurship. (via StartupNation)
is Google unwittingly sowing the seeds of its own destruction from within?
It’s a review of just one engine, but it also serves as a validation of vertical search.
more facts and figures on this growth area