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Are Bloggers Journalists?
BL Ochman has gone on the warpath against the BlogOn conference and its PR firm, Porter Novelli. First, she was irked that Porter Novelli’s rep refused to grant her a press pass to cover the event. Then she seemed insulted when BlogOn’s marketing rep suggested a trade in which BL would agree to promote the…
U3 – Pocket Computing at Its Best
One of the most intriguing new products unveiled at DEMOfall was a USB “smart drive” created by U3. Here’s the idea: on a USB thumb drive (for you Luddites that’s a thing the size of your thumb – get it? – that you plug into your computer), you can hold not only your data, but…
links for 2005-10-03
Audi A3 camboomo! Blog ads turn out to be better value than Yahoo banners for Audi. (tags: Advertising Blogs) Matthew Hurst wonders where Technorati’s professiona product is? Announced for August release, nothing yet seen. (tags: Blogs MediaMonitoring) American Idol Comes to Internet Ad Campaigns Why shouldn’t online marketers let the public choose the star of…
Disruptive Dialogue to Return
My Internet radio show, Disruptive Dialogue, is coming back. It has been on hiatus since the last episode was recorded and released on July 4. I had put it on the shelf because of time constraints and because, although I was getting positive feedback on it, I didn’t feel it had really found the right…
Will They Pay or Won’t They?
More from Squared: 2 in 3 Still Wouldn’t Pay For Online Content But an updated Jupiter study also found the number who did actually pay for content was up 5 points over last year. story I’ve been helping to run some focus group/brainstorming sessions recently and this finding is consistent with what I’ve seen. …
What the heck is a blook?
According to Tom Evslin, it is a book published in blog format. But it is more than just a simple format change: Evslin has written a novel,, that makes the entire blog experience, including comments, an integral part of the content, according to Fred Wilson. Unfortunately, the site seems to be down right now,…