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links for 2005-10-11
cgm: CGM, Blogs, and Politics Much of the innovation we’re seeing in the use and spread of consumer-generated media (CGM) draws from the political blog space. (tags: Blogs OnlinePolitics) Over 100M Blogs Served (tags: Blogs) How To Instantly Get Onto Newsweek’s And The Washington Post’s Website (tags: Blogs PR)
If This Isn’t Government Waste, I Don’t Know What Is
I was stunned today when my wife handed me a letter from the US Department of Transportation. It was letting us know about the “National Household Travel Survey” that is being conducted. Apparently, we can expect to receive a phone call about this in the near future, and they would like us to participate. It…
Surfing Back in Time
I had a conversation yesterday that spurred me to think back to the “old days” of the World Wide Web. You see, I’ve been at this game long enough to remember Yahoo before it was at Most of you probably don’t know that it used to live at In any case, I took…
Attensa Rebounds Well
Earlier this week I blogged about Problems with Attensa, a new feed reader that integrates with Outlook. Word got to Mike Beale at Attensa and he reached out to me to see how he could help. I’ve now been using it successfully for a few days and am very impressed — both with the product…
24 Hours of Blogs
Matthew Hurst of BlogPulse offers some interesting insight into blog posts over on his Data Mining blog. It comes in 3 parts: here, here, and here. He derives the data from 24 hours of pings to
Remembering My Grandfather
I published a column reflecting on my memories of my grandfather. He passed away today at 100 years old. Read the full column here.