links for 2007-05-08
article on Belgian newspaper lawsuit against Google
Beltway Blogroll reports: Down the hall here at National Journal, The Hotline’s Blogometer reports on the newest advertising network organized through BlogAds. It is called Buy the Right Ads and caters to advertisers who want a presence on conservative blogs. The network includes big-name blogs like Ankle Biting Pundits, Hugh Hewitt, Michelle Malkin, PoliPundit and… offers a commentary on the ongoing Politics Online Conference at George Washington University. It notes that one of the speakers this year came from JibJab, the outfit that created the widely viewed online parody titled "This Land." (If you haven’t seen it, you must not have had an Internet connection last fall.) The piece…
For all of those who have heard about this cool new Web 2.0 technology called AJAX but have no idea what it is or what it means for the average user, the CNET did a decent write-up.
Realm Systems tried to one-up U3 (see previous post) by unveiling the Mobile Personal Server 1400E. It’s bigger – both in claimed capabilities and size. I haven’t yet stopped by their booth to get more information (though I plan to tomorrow), but their presentation showed enhanced security possibilities that caught my attention. They demonstrated the…
AOL press release: TVEyes revealed that its Podscope search engine will be integrated with AOL Search ( In the coming months, AOL will offer visitors the ability to discover thousands of additional podcasts through the integration of Spoken Word Indexing(TM). This innovative search capability will allow fans to get audio search results and sample from…
AP has the latest on FEC efforts to regulate politics online: "I like to think of myself as just a guy with a blog, but it’s clear that ‘just a guy with a blog’ is different today than it was when I started three years ago," said Markos Moulitsas Zuniga, founder of the Web log…