8 Ways to Maximize Media Monitoring ROI
I recently wrote “8 Ways to Maximize Media Monitoring ROI” that we’re distributing for free on behalf of CustomScoop. The subtitle is “How PR and Marketing Pros Can Go Beyond Tracking Company Mentions and Press Release Coverage to Improve ROI.” And that’s really what the guide is all about.
In the 7 years that I have been working with clients at CustomScoop, I have found that many think very narrowly about what a clipping service can do. But when you actually engage them in conversation and help them explore other ideas for how to get greater benefits — and thus higher ROI — on their media monitoring program, their eyes light up with the possibilities.
The complete document is available as a free download without having to register. We decided that while most companies make whitepapers like these available only in exchange for a sales pitch, we wanted to create a real resource for the PR and marketing community. You won’t find sales-speak in this white paper, and in fact I mention a number of our competitors, because like this blog I want it to be a useful tool.
With the advances in online news clipping services today, clients can really gather a lot of information and process it quickly. Even better, the tools to do at least basic measurement and analysis are now available from many providers. And with many services offering unlimited search terms and clips for one flat fee, there’s really no excuse not to track all the information you want.
I go into a fair amount of detail in the paper to show how to implement these ideas, but as a quick summary, here are the 8 ways I describe:
1. Discover New, Earned Media Opportunities
2. Detect Early Warning Signs
3. Uncover New Markets and Customers
4. Listen to Conversations
5. Solidify Stakeholder Relationships
6. Track Trends
7. Examine How the Competition Stacks Up
8. Learn More About Your Industry
If you’re interested in learning more, download the full paper here. I look forward to any feedback you may have so that future publications can be even more valuable.