Looking at the Third Page of Search
Charlen Li explores an interesting concept: the third page of search.
I’ve been noodling around the idea of the "Third Page" of search (credit goes to Perry Evans from LocalMatters for prompting this train of thought). The first page of search is the query page (like www.google.com), the second page is the search results, and the third is a destination page on yet another search engine or aggregator that’s been optimized for that query.
Essentially, the third page adds an extra click for the user in finding useful information, but the trade-off is that you potentially end up with better, more relevant information. Certainly, the "third page" appears to be becoming more of a trend, particularly in high-volume search segments.
Jeremy Zawodny points out in a comment that "third pages" have long been a favorite of spammers and other less ethical folks. But now they are becoming more mainstream and often add legitimate value. If they aren’t simply link farms and instead try to organize information in a more useful way for the consumer, they’re a great idea.