New Video Search Engine: Truveo
Jeff Clavier reports on a company he holds an investment in:
A few days ago, Truveo went quietly out of stealth. It did not get noticed immediately because of two major news “sandwiching” its release: Skype/eBay and Google BlogSearch. However the buzz has been growing since then, and the initial feedback is pretty positive. Yes, the coverage is still to be improved and the index is being backfilled as we speak, but on a very large set of queries, Truveo returns the most relevant/freshest results. Just try “hurricane rita” on Truveo, Google & Yahoo.
It’s a pretty nice site and does give good results. The only drawback I see is that it relies on meta data and descriptive text and makes no attempt at voice recognition as TV Eyes attempts to do — though TV Eyes is focusing on podcasts not video.