links for 2005-10-01
Can wikis actually create useful textbooks?
Ken Yarmosh hosts a “blogoposium” (he coined the phrase) – “The general theme is Communicating the Ideas behind Web 2.0.”
Lately I’ve been fascinated by the consumer generated content/media space. And I’ve had a number of ideas of my own (which I may share later), but here are some interesting things going on this area now: iPodders vs. Non-iPodders attempts to answer an interesting question: “So are Apple iPod users the ultimate influencers or…
Slingbox update (tags: Leisure NewProducts) CapitolLink: Sen. Obama Is Blogging, Too (tags: OnlinePolitics Blogs) InfoSpace In Play (tags: MandA Search) MarketingVOX: MTV, Warner Partner on Mobile Content (tags: MobileContent) B.L. Ochman’s weblog – Very Dim Publicist Dooced for “Anonymous” Blog (tags: Blogs EmployeeBlogging PR) continues to generate press for itself over its ability to bundle contributions to targeted campaigns. The latest example comes courtesy of the Charleston (WV) Gazette: Early Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., sent an appeal over the Internet urging people to contribute to the re-election campaign of Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va. In less…
Yahoo-Backed Group To Digitize Library, Academic Content (tags: NewProducts Search) ABC, CBS and NBC Inch Closer VOD Launches (tags: OnlineMedia) Politics and Technology: Politics in a World (tags: OnlinePolitics SocialNetworking) Beyond Blogs and Social Networks: How Consumer Generated Media and the Virtual Handshake will Make or Break Your Business Conference to be held in…
I took most of the day off yesterday to spend time with my family – and was I surprised to see my inbox when I got back to it! As a fellow blogger, I understand the importance of a fast, accurate response to issues raised in the blogs. Unfortunately, in a case of the cobbler’s…
My preferred RSS reader, SearchFox, will cease to exist in 2 weeks. Esteban Kozak writes in his blog: Thanks for all your help in making SearchFox what it is. We have enjoyed providing this service, and hope that you have enjoyed using it. Please export all of your links and an OPML file with your…