The Future According to Jason Calacanis
Jason Calacanis takes a look at what the recent changes in the search/portal area mean — and how he sees things going in the future.
Another day, another series of amazing changes in our industry. Today Microsoft got into Google’s Adsense business, Yahoo finally admmitted they are in the content business, and Google is getting into AOL’s brand new video business…
Sometime I think Google has it all figured out and Yahoo is trying to serve to many masters. Then I look at our
company and say “gee, we would love to syndicate our content up to Yahoo and sure we would love to try out YPN.” So,
I’m open minded about their offerings right now. I’m sure if they launched a car, video game, and gadget blog I would
think otherwise.This business is like one huge chess board with dozens of active players and constantly changing rules. Every day
things get more interesting.