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In the age of content marketing, everyone seems to be racing to post good material to their websites, blogs, and social networkig accounts. Some of it is even that — good.
In the age of content marketing, everyone seems to be racing to post good material to their websites, blogs, and social networkig accounts. Some of it is even that — good.
(via Primary Digest) There are 27 days until the New Hampshire primary. Random thoughts & observations… — Ted Cruz had a very good day with New Hampshire news coverage. So did Chelsea Clinton. — I have been struck by the number of undecided potential #FITN voters who mention John Kasich as someone they’re seriously…
Mitch Joel offers up a post today on examples of some marketers he thinks are doing Second Life right. He sees a shift from the “build it and they will come” philosophy to one in which companies seek to engage consumers in the Second Life experience through contests and other activities. In the past couple…
There are 100 days until the New Hampshire primary. Random thoughts & observations… — Bernie Sanders went trick-or-treating in Lebanon, NH. The Washington Post reported: “The senator from Vermont dressed as himself.” There’s a punchline in there somewhere. #FITN headlines… — Sanders makes Halloween swing in N.H. (Burlington Free Press) — Sanders explains self-description as ‘democratic socialist’…
(via Primary Digest) Today is The Day. Random thoughts & observations… — I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. — I can’t recall a #FITN primary when there were more possible outcomes still on the table as the polls open. — The good news is that tomorrow morning you won’t have to…
(via Primary Digest) There are 8 days until the New Hampshire primary. Random thoughts & observations… — The primary landscape tomorrow will be different than today. #FITN headlines… — WMUR poll: With nine days to go, Trump, Sanders hold solid leads in New Hampshire (WMUR) — Franklin Pierce-Herald Poll: Rivals need Iowa win to catch…
Ethan McKee of Rock Creek Mazza restaurant in Washington, DC talks about the challenges he faces as a first-time executive chef, as well as what it’s like to cook in an establishment focused on more healthful dining.