Remembering My Grandfather
I published a column reflecting on my memories of my grandfather. He passed away today at 100 years old. Read the full column here.
MediaPost observes a growing trend for campaigns on the web: Democratic political consultant Michael Bassik adds that many political campaigns are purchasing variations of their candidates’ names. "It’s common for campaigns to not only purchase up every permutation of their own campaign’s name, but also negative URLs as well," said Democratic political consultant Michael Bassik….
Kari Chisholm offers this: "Governing Magazine has a great discussion of the role that blogs are playing during the Texas legislative session"
Changes are coming to the bulk email market, according to DMNews, and it’s a mixed bag for advocacy email. The cost could be coming down, but the flexibility and effectiveness could be declining as well. E-mail list pricing could drop as much as 25 percent in the next three to six months because of changes…
Who would have thought that the public affairs folks at Cisco would actually lead the way at the high-tech company by launching the networking giant’s first official blog? Neville Hobson draws attention to this groundbreaking effort. (Link: NevOn: Cisco breaks new ground with government affairs blog.)
Idil Cakin of Burson Marstellar offers some good advice about dealing with the blogosphere in an article for DMNews. Excerpted below are some of the more interesting points. Whoever comes up with the best "secret sauce" to solve the problem of weighting blogs will have a powerful offering. (This is something the brains at CustomScoop…
The Standards Editor of the New York Times, Allan M. Siegal, made an interesting admission in an interview with his own publication today: I’m supposed to be the recipient of any complaints and misgivings by the staff about how we’re doing and what we’re doing, the person who adjudicates differences of opinion about how we…