Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

CustomScoop Adds Google Map of Clips

We have taken a few steps forward with CustomScoop Personal Edition today.  First, we introduced a mashup with Google Maps that shows pushpins for every location in which you have a clip.  It easily allows you to see any geographic patterns to your recent news coverage.

Currently, we have geocoded most newspapers and certain other traditional media in our system.  Due to the complexities of geocoding blogs, we have yet to do that but are exploring options in that arena.

The second advance today was that we added the ability of our current beta testers to invite friends or colleagues to join.  Each user has 5 invites available from their online control panel.  It’s a little thank you for the early feedback we have received and a way to expand the circle of testers.

I would also like to thank TechCrunch and MicroPersuasion for their recent reviews.  Mike Arrington, Steve Rubel and their readers have provided us valuable feedback.

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