Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Consumer Generated Content/Media Happenings

 Lately I’ve been fascinated by the consumer generated content/media space.  And I’ve had a number of ideas of my own (which I may share later), but here are some interesting things going on this area now:

iPodders vs. Non-iPodders attempts to answer an interesting question: “So are Apple iPod users the ultimate influencers or standard-bearers of consumer-generated media For all our big talk about complicated “influencer” segmentation models, maybe it all comes down to one simple question: “Do you own an iPod?””

Target Wants to Tie TheKnot?

PaidContent: “In a speculative story on the current M&A market in online media and other possible tie-ups, the news about, the wedding/lifetage media company being for sale. The leading potential buyer is retailer Target, says this story, though it seems to be in early stages.”

At the Hub of Citizen Journalism

PaidContent: “, the citizen journalism site from the publishers of Rocky Mountain News and Denver Post, is not a threat to the suburban newspapers, say the publishers.”

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