FEC Hears Bloggers’ Bid to Share Media Exemption
The Washington Post covers the ongoing saga between bloggers and the FEC.
The Washington Post covers the ongoing saga between bloggers and the FEC.
This one I just don’t understand. Tom Foremski takes Technorati to task over at Silicon Valley Watcher for a pay service that allows corporations to track their coverage in the blogosphere. He writes: "I was surprised by how aggressive Technorati was in its pitch because it has a very good standing within the blogging community,…
I’m an early morning person. I generally rise around 5:30 AM. In fact, even on vacation I’m hard-pressed to sleep in beyond 6:30 or 7:00. One of the reasons I like getting up early is that it is quiet. At home, the wife and kids are still asleep. It gives me a chance to knock…
Have the people at ESPN.com have lost their minds or am I missing something here?!?!? Apparently Jason Calacanis and I both missed the story a while back that ESPN.com was refusing to stream video to customers of certain ISP’s that would not pay them (tags: onlinevideo) Social Information Overload in many respects, social network overload…
» Murdoch coveting Dow Jones…and Facebook? | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com (tags: MandA SocialNetworking) » NewTube goes to Washington | Between the Lines | ZDNet.com (tags: techpolicy) Tilting at a Digital Future – New York Times (tags: MandA media) We need better statistics… « Scobleizer (tags: metrics) Give Hammer a break (Skrentablog) (tags: blogs…
Next New Networks Building Micro Television Networks (tags: media OnlineMedia onlinevideo) Newspapers, TV and the Net – Its Convergence Time (tags: media newspapers tv video onlinevideo) SF Chronicle Trims 25% of Newsroom Staff (tags: media Newspapers) Nielson Pees In The Social Media Kool-Aid With Their Recent Report (tags: socialmedia advertising) What’s Wrong With Ghost Blogging?…
Beltway Blogroll points to a half dozen new bloggers in the ranks of Congress.