Chip Shots by Chip Griffin

Trend Tracking in Online Media

Over at one of the companies I’m involved with, CustomScoop, we’ve been playing with a new tool that we’ve only soft-launched and are getting feedback on.  I thought I’d share it with readers of InterAdvocacy to see what you think.

Basically, it’s a free service that let’s visitors see how two search terms do in head-to-head competition in the online media (including newspapers, mags, blogs and more).  Obviously, it serves as a teaser for the full CustomScoop service, but it also generates interesting results in its own right — not unlike Intelliseek’s Blogpulse Trends, except that we have a more balanced mix of coverage where they are exclusively blogs.

Some interesting ones I’ve tried myself: Robert Scoble vs. Steve Rubel, Bill Gates vs. Warren Buffett, and Hillary Clinton vs. John McCain.

The service is still a little slow sometimes since it’s in the testing stages and hasn’t been fully tuned, but please let me know what you think.

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