MoveOn’s PBS Petition Nearing 1 Million
BL Ochman reports:, which was seeking 500,000 signatures on a petition against proposed Congress’ cancellation of funding to NPR and PBS, has now reached almost a million signatures.
Over at one of my other blogs, TechJots, I note that the reported exit of Robert Scoble from Microsoft creates some opportunities. I thought readers of this blog might find it interesting as well.
Steve Rubel offers an interesting chart from Technorati, the blog search engine, that seems to show that most spikes in blog posting volume occur around political events. David Sifry also comments that "We see the largest number of posts each day between the hours of 7AM and noon Pacific time, meaning between 10AM and 3PM…
Kari Chisholm blogs about the current debate over whether Convio, a company that provides online advocacy tools, should be able to serve all non-profits, or just those with a certain agenda: Most of Convio’s current and past clients are lefty organizations – including the ACLU, Dean for America, Planned Parenthood, etc. Recently, however, they added…
Scripps bought Shopzilla recently. This article addresses some of the synergies for the companies: “Scripps officials say they’re happy with Shopzilla as a standalone business, but both sides clearly are excited about the possibilities of joining the two categories. By the end of this year, they said, you could see a link to Shopzilla on…
I was stunned today when my wife handed me a letter from the US Department of Transportation. It was letting us know about the “National Household Travel Survey” that is being conducted. Apparently, we can expect to receive a phone call about this in the near future, and they would like us to participate. It…
TechCrunch profiles a new music matching service called Pandora. Basically, it is a recommendation engine built on the components of a song, rather than what other users decided to listen to or purchase. They apparently have human listeners who tag each song with a wealth of information about the sounds and style. Then when a…