BBC Covers Net Politics
The BBC has an article on the rising use of the Internet in American politics, with a special focus on podcasts.
Washington Post reports on the gist of comments to the FEC on internet campaigning regulations. My position will not be popular with fellow bloggers, but I do believe that if a blogger is paid to blog by a campaign, that should have to be disclosed — just like real world political activities. Now, if the…
Cymfony offers a good recap of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association held this week in Chicago. On a separate note, P&G refers to it as Word of Mouth Advocacy — a term I think is more accurate and better explains the phenomenon when executed correctly. continues to generate press for itself over its ability to bundle contributions to targeted campaigns. The latest example comes courtesy of the Charleston (WV) Gazette: Early Tuesday afternoon, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., sent an appeal over the Internet urging people to contribute to the re-election campaign of Sen. Robert C. Byrd, D-W.Va. In less…
Got a Slingbox last week. It allows place-shifting of your TV viewing. Where TiVO allows for "time-shifting" (you can watch when you want), Slingbox lets you watch where you want. The net effect for this road warrior is that I can watch Red Sox games from hotel rooms around the country. Costs $250, you hook…
Hollywood Reporter looks for Google’s next move. The item mentions potential acquisition targets: Infospace, AOL, and TiVO. In addition: Other analysts proposed a combination of public and private firms Google might be eyeing, including emerging search companies like Blinkx, TVEyes and Convera Corp. I’m not an expert on all of these, though I do recall…
Charlen Li explores an interesting concept: the third page of search. I’ve been noodling around the idea of the "Third Page" of search (credit goes to Perry Evans from LocalMatters for prompting this train of thought). The first page of search is the query page (like, the second page is the search results, and…